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OnePlus 8 Review

OnePlus 8 Review

OnePlus 8 Review
OnePlus 8

It's the OnePlus 8 Now OnePlus didn't just come out with just one plus eight supporters It's a phone Oneplus marks it as a flagship killer but we're all seeing it slowly moving away from that direction Now they have a different slogan. And smooth and you can tell they're moving away from the flagship killer thing now that they actually make a flagship but that's what I'll do with the branches that I think we always know so this wire shine The Vala Plus is an eight-star set for $ 6.99 and bleeds for the high-performance Snapdragon 865 with a 5G modem with eight or twelve jigs of high-speed RAM Office 3.0 storage Wi-Fi 6x. Want it all as good as the phone, of course, I love it. Here are some things reduced to save prices and I would compare it a lot with the OnePlus 8 pro. Will cut but still give people very close to the flagship experience is what we will do this is what they did first a little bit of a small form element now it's a little bit anyway It's not a phone, it's definitely still big, it has a six-point five-inch display. This is much longer than the iPhone 11 Pro Max so it's not small but it's a little shorter than the 8 Pro and it's definitely lighter. It's 180 grams on paper for me and that's right for me. It feels comfortable in the hand then it shows that there is still an optical fingerprint reader under it which is still certified in addition to HDR 10 and is still super colorful and brighter than last year which The key is so it looks out of place but now it's 1080p resolution instead of 1440. This is a great move they've made in the past and now it's also a higher refresh rate at 90 Hz instead of 120 Hz. I would like to have a blind test on it. I said I can personally see the difference between 90 and 120 Hz but it is small and you have to look for it but I would definitely prefer either of these 60 Hz because this difference is weak. As huge as it is still more refreshing rate so this is a cost-saving trade which makes it true that it still has a really smooth responsive screen which we have seen that other phones prices I bring down the high refresh rate so it doesn't really go out of its way to use it. But that's not a complaint at all. I'm obviously a fan of high refresh rates and I'm glad to see everywhere that if you still work for OnePlus if you're in the mood. You're trying to reduce the things that you get by saying that you know the refresh rate and the high resolution is good but if you go too far on the things that reduce the battery life We are giving you 90 Hz and 1080P and it is one thing to give you fast and smooth even though it is friendly with your battery. I have a 4300 mAh battery and it's great at keeping me at the end of every day of battery life with ease. "It looks like 15 to 20 percent is left, so it's honestly a little better battery life than the 8 Pro I'm running." I think I should expect that after that there will be three more commercial offices ip68 wireless charging and these campuses 8 do not have IP68 water and dust resistance certificate but this is one of the events where Oneplus Probably will claim them. He put the necessary seals and pieces inside the phone and tested it himself but then saved it not to be tested officially. I don't know that I haven't checked myself, I'll wait for the jury to examine everything. See, those seals thank you very much, but then this phone does not have wireless charging on all the deals of the last year, which has the sound of glass back. To take advantage of this glass it does not have a wireless charging coil 700 700ucks There is a small number of phones at this price in the box that does not have wireless charging so it is more difficult to justify but I always guess that One thing you know about is that wireless charging is not so fast for their quality so still here the fast water charge seems to be recharged at 30 minutes then zero to 25 in 50 and And it's included in the box so these are all good things but so far no wireless charging like this has me wondering how much it would cost per unit if they had just swallowed their pride and The phone can only be inserted into a simple wireless charging coil. Just like you know what we finally added to it but you know they're trying to save money again but last but not least there is a different and lesser camera in at least 8 people. It's a 48-megapixel main sensor and a 16-megapixel ultra-wide camera and a dedicated 2-megapixel macro different from the Pro, then there's no telephoto and I think it's okay to give up but that's it. The funny thing is that the camera app still has a telephone button that snaps at 2x but LG did the same with the V60 which is just a digital crop from the central sensor which honestly looks just as good if a cheap telephoto If not better than photos, now enjoy this dedicated macro camera.

Honestly not very good quality and I'm not just saying it lacks quality like just 2 megapixels because it's not a great dynamic range nor is the overall quality very low so You know I enjoy taking some macros with it but I think it's one of those cameras that you will forget about after the first week and then it has the main camera which has 48 in it. The megapixel is numbered but once again it is colorful and detailed in color and just one step below the flagship standard. Overall Performance I mean this phone feels like the classic OnePlus of all the amazing things of the past on the super camera. Honestly, if you are serious about the quality of the camera then you should probably not look towards this phone, you should check out the Pixel 3A or even the brand new Aircoats brand like iPhone C which Looks like it will have flagship quality 399 for iPhone quality camera 399 so so definitely keep in touch with the video when I get my hands on this phone very soon it should also be an entertaining video if you wonder I will be wondering what is the color of this phone honestly it is definitely unique. I would say that eliminating it gives a different disturbance index from different angles which you reflect with all kinds of wild colors but it is one hundred percent of those phones that look better on camera and in promos. Is. In real life, this thing has more fingerprints than the CSI agent of the month. Don't I have to expose this segment to dangerously close to the tiger's area? Should consider If you accidentally pull the trigger personally on this ringway of the phone, you can help clear your process. I think this black chemo looks very tough so except for the crazy color in my summary for the OnePlus 8 here I really really like that this phone has got this great display which for the price it's a great one There is an actor whose price is clearly too high, there is no king in it. Price but it's a great actor. It's got a fast pay-per-view. It includes a box that has been talked about as one of my favorite Android overlays in the past and I also get frequent software updates. Clean package. Can tailor this phone right now and I'm probably glad it's also one of the cheapest 5G compatible phones on the market right now. Not because I would buy it but it's a nice bonus to have a phone for four or five years for longevity but it's not surprising that it's not a special phone like it used to be and really it The price of the phone is stable. The last few years have caused this situation, as I remember a few years ago, maybe it was longer than I thought, but the advanced phone is only five hundred and six hundred bucks. 700b used to be like a box so it felt like you were either the most bleeding end up racing for the best phone or racing for the best budget phone for the cheapest phone. A pulse came along and it slipped in the middle in which they were lowering the flagpoles. They kept the cell as a flagship killer because they were somewhere in the middle. Like we have 400 600 $ 600 mid-range phones then we have seven-eight $ 900 premium phones then we have four thousand eleven hundred 1400 ultra-premium flagship phones and thus more than ever like all these prices ranges There is an activity so you can get it today for or 6.99 at this price or you can get the Galaxy 10E if you want a smaller phone.

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